Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Bad News about Course Sharing

Update: 11/15/2015

I recently wrote to someone knowledgeable about the history and details of the uPro G1 device. Disappointingly, I received no response. So without a lead on loading other courses to the device...when this battery dies, or I move away from my local area with my saved courses, this device will be relegated to the dust bin.

Note:  After mid-November this blog will only be available at uprogps.blogspot.com.  The uprogps.org domain will be inactive.

I recently received a copy of a Pro Mode Course from another user.  It did not work in my uPro device. It appears that when a Pro Mode Course is downloaded, a header and footer (it appears to be about 16 bytes) are added to the file. Anybody have any experience with this? Here's what shows up on the device...sadly.

uPro display with transferred
Pro Mode Course

And can anyone confirm that Basic Mode Courses will transfer?

Update 7/19/2016

I have posted a Basic Mode Course here. It is for a course in the Seattle area of Washington. If you own a uPro, try using it and see if it comes up "error" like the one above.  If it works, please contact me.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Loading the Green View in Basic Mode

A small sidetrack today about a feature on the uPro.

You can be in Basic Mode, and still get a measurement to any part of the green, rather than the basic measurements of front, center, and back. Here's how you do it:

First make sure you're set up to see the Virtual Green view.

1.From the inital screen, select Settings

2. Select Preferences

 3. Select Green View Options

4. On the Green View Options screen, Select Both Green View

Now, when you're at the course in basic mode, a new option appears.  Say you're on a hole with the front, middle, and back numbers.  At the lower left is a button that you usually select to see how far it is to hazards on that hole.
After you've selected that Hazards button, you'll now see that pressing it a second time (note it says Green), it does not go back to the Basic View, but instead shows you a view of the green. Here's an example below--I've hit it over the green, and wanted a measurement to the pin.
When this view has been selected, by using the Mark button, you can then move the cursor around just like Pro Mode. It's a simplified drawing of the green vs. the photo in Pro Mode, but might be all you want or need.

Have you started downloading your courses yet? Don't forget the web site will be cut off at year end 2014.